Celebrate the National Day of Thanksgiving - 31 May 2014

christianreview | 입력 : 2014/03/31 [06:09]
The concept of a National Day of Thanksgiving    has been in the hearts of many Australians for a number of years. Over the last decade many people have expressed a desire to see our nation, on one day each year, acknowledge our Christian heritage and the lordship of Jesus Christ over our nation.
In 2003 the Australian Prayer Network took such thoughts and dreams to other national prayer, ministry, and church leaders. Overwhelming encouragement to pursue the concept was received. Out of these consultations was birthed our National Day of Thanksgiving. The Governor General embraced the idea and launched the concept at an official function at Government House on 11th February 2004. The Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition then gave it their full support with statements encouraging all Australians to celebrate the Day. Christian television and radio embraced it, and have become promotional sponsors across Australia.
There needs however to be a vehicle through which the vision can be expressed, and we believe that vehicle must be the Christian Church. If the Church does not accept this role, then the National Day of Thanksgiving will be lost forever for our nation, as the ethos of the day cannot be picked up by any other group within the nation.
The preamble of Australia’s constitution says, “Humbly relying on the blessings of Almighty God.” National Day of Thanksgiving gives expression to these words found in our constitution. Even the words of our national anthem, “Our land abounds in nature’s gifts of beauty rich and rare,” give inspiration for this day.
The National Day of Thanksgiving is meant to be shaped and run at a local level in communities across Australia. Local churches can give leadership, and can with the support of their community organise celebrations appropriate to their town, city or region. The National Day of Thanksgiving will therefore be expressed differently in each part of the Nation.
It is however also a day that can be picked up and celebrated by individuals who through the giving of cards, ribbons, or by doing an act of kindness to a friend or neighbour can be the vehicle of God’s love and compassion to those around them.
National Day of Thanksgiving will be what you make it. It is an opportunity not an event. It provides great opportunity for congregations and individuals to connect in a positive and affirming way with the community they seek to serve and those they meet in everyday life. It can be a doorway to effective evangelism and mission if used creatively. 
Perhaps it is the opportunity you or your Church has been waiting years for, to display to the nation what we as Christians stand for, rather than what we stand against. Will it be celebrated in your community? That is entirely in your hands.

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