Good Friday message - Stories of Salvation can move us to tears of joy - Dr Mark TronsonSalvation stories are likened to
a beautiful Australian billabong
During the late 60s and early 70s I was a young man who followed the Lord and engaged in both a busy working life and elite sport. Yet, the most exciting part of my life at that time, was reading and hearing stories of ordinary people finding eternal Salvation in Jesus Christ. My local church at that time was the Port Kembla Baptist Church where we regularly had guest "missionary" speakers who relayed the most enthralling stories of those under their spiritual charge coming to personal faith in Jesus Christ. Moreover, I was an avid reader of books by missionaries and how they related time and again, how the Spirit of the Lord touched people's lives as they presented the Salvation message of Jesus Christ. These were very fulfilling youthful years as I dreamed of a future not so much of work or sporting success (although they came to me in some measure through committed dedication to the task), but rather how the Lord Jesus might use my life in similar ways to these wonderful stories I enjoyed as my constant diet of religious books. <저작권자 ⓒ christianreview 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>