Gender ideology now targets toddlers and babies in Australian childcare centresToddlers
and babies should be viewed by child carers and pre-school teachers as sexual
beings according to material linked to a new early childhood training module,
sparking a warning from the Australian Christian Lobby that children are now at
the centre of a dangerous gender experiment.
to the ACL, behind the Start Early training module developed by Early Childhood
Australia with funding from the NSW Government, is the idea that‘not everyone
fits into male or female gender; there is a continuum of
spokeswoman Wendy Francis will today outline ACL’s concerns with the training
module at a NSW parliamentary inquiry into the sexualisation of children and
young people.
ideological thinking that gender is fluid is underlying this module as it did in
the controversial Safe Schools program,” Ms Francis
resource book ‘Children’s Sexual Development and Behaviour: Pants Aren’t Rude”
which is linked to the Start Early training module, encourages parents and
teachers to think about their children, and even babies, as ‘sexual beings’ who
should be allowed to sexually stimulate themselves from
parents would be disturbed that childcare staff and pre-school educators are
being told to view their children as sexual beings.
“This is an extreme and dangerous way for any adults to view children,” Ms Francis said. “In
the book, educators are told to encourage children to keep masturbating in
private, rather than telling them to stop.
would believe it can be harmful to talk with young children about sexual topics
before they are ready and it is completely inappropriate for educators to be
taught these ideas and encouraged to apply it to our toddlers, particularly
without the knowledge of parents.”
response to a Herald Sun article by journalist
Susie O’Brien, Early Childhood Australia released a statement saying that its
free online modules will not include information about sex, sexuality and
a month on, that information remains in the recommended resource book for Start
Early and can still be purchased through their website,” Ms Francis
NSW Government should review its support of the
today's hearing Ms Francis will also speak on the impact
• The
failure of the Advertising Standards board to reflect community
standards, proposing that outdoor advertising be ‘G’
• The
sexualising content in Teen magazines,
• The
harms of pornography on children,
• The
recent lowering of television standards,
• The
contested gender ideology in the Safe Schools Coalition
home page of the inquiry - link for journalists
ACL media release: Education Minister urged to cancel transgender and sex lessons for
spokeswoman Wendy Francis will be addressing the inquiry at 3.30pm today at the
Waratah Room, NSW Parliament House.
this she is available for interviews.
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