The Australian Christian Lobby has welcomed a policy to
ban gambling advertising that was announced today by the Greens.
Managing Director Lyle Shelton said the policy to end sports betting advertising
by treating them in the same way as tobacco advertising reflected the serious
damage gambling causes families and the community.
call on the Government and the Labor Party to support the Greens bill when it
comes before parliament,” Mr Shelton said.
betting is only allowed to be conducted by adults so it is unacceptable for
gambling advertisements to be thrust on children who are enjoying a
is a growing mood in the community that gambling should not be normalised and be
considered an acceptable part of sport.”
this week, the ACL called for a Senate inquiry into gambling and its
corrupting influence on sport.
ACL believes that a Senate inquiry will shine a light on the insidious
encroachment of gambling that is taking the fun out of Australian sport and
socialising children into gambling,” Mr Shelton said.
agree with calls by the Victorian Minister for Gaming and Liquor Regulation,
Jane Garrett and the Alliance for Gambling Reform spokesman Tim Costello, for a
national conversation on gambling, particularly looking at the impact of
gambling advertising on kids and young people.
is enough evidence to suggest that gambling has a negative impact on those in
low socio-economic regions and we have a responsibility to protect these people
from the demonstrated harm that gambling causes our families and
issue is an example of where principled public leadership is needed in the face
of powerful vested interests in the gambling industry.
a key partner in the Alliance for Gambling Reform, the ACL welcomes the
opportunity to provide input on developing terms of references for a Senate
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