11-hour school day is the fault of childcare funding discrimination

Eleven-hour school days the fault of childcare funding

christianreview | 입력 : 2013/03/14 [08:07]

An increase in hours primary students spend in outside hours school care[1] has been blamed on Australia’s “discriminatory” childcare system.

“Reports of weary five year-olds struggling to cope after eleven-hour school days are unsurprising,” said Australian Family Association’s Queensland spokesperson Tempe Harvey.

“The federal government’s discriminatory childcare funding system is largely to blame. Parents are being taxed to fund a system that is heavily biased towards institutional school care over care provided by parents,” she said.

Mrs Harvey said Galaxy polling[2] suggested strong support for non-discriminatory childcare funding that enabled parents to care for their children themselves.

The AFA also slammed another “stupid” government education policy just announced.[3] Education Queensland’s new instructional framework asks parents to do more to teach their children numeracy and literacy at home.

“Instead of fixing Queensland’s broken education system, Education Queensland is trying to blame our woeful academic standards on parents. What are our taxes paying for if Queensland schools cannot even teach our children the basics?” asked Mrs Harvey.

She also pointed to the irony of a Queensland government agency asking parents to do more work at home with their kids, when the federal government’s childcare policy was systematically de-funding parent care.



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