ACL Statement of Appreciation for Archbishop Peter Jensen

christianrevew | 입력 : 2013/06/17 [09:17]
Filed under Anglican Communion, Sydney Diocese
Archbishop Peter Jensen

The Council of the Anglican Church League has today communicated its deep appreciation to Archbishop Peter Jensen, who concludes his ministry as Archbishop next month.
The Appreciation below has been signed by ACL President Gav Poole on behalf of the League.
Peter and Christine will be publicly farewelled at a special gathering at St. Andrew’s Cathedral tonight.

Thursday, 13th June 2013

IN APPRECIATION – The Most Reverend Dr. Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan of NSW.

The President, Executive and Council of the Anglican Church League (ACL) wish to take this opportunity to formally express their deep appreciation for the leadership, support and encouragement exercised by Archbishop Peter Jensen.

Archbishop Jensen has been a member of the ACL for more than forty years and a long standing Vice President. His public commitment to the evangelical values and principles of the League has been unwavering.

As Principal of Moore Theological College he taught and mentored two generations of clergy, ensuring that evangelical, systematic and expository preaching would remain the character of Sydney Anglican pulpits.

As Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen has represented the evangelical character and convictions of our diocese with intelligence, humility, strength, humour and diligence on both the national and international stage.

Archbishop Jensen is an eminent teacher and theologian but, above all, he is loved for his deep pastoral concern for the clergy under his care and the wider diocesan family. Within Sydney and far beyond, Archbishop Jensen is warmly regarded for his deep compassion and warm personal and pastoral concern.

Archbishop Jensen has ever been a champion for the gospel which proclaims the sacrificial atoning death of Christ and his bodily resurrection. His passion to see the lost become found and discover new life in Christ has been an inspiration. He is a mission-minded man.

His kind and genuinely open disposition, while maintaining a godly resistance to moral and ethical compromise, continues as a model for all Christians who find themselves in dialogue with others. The revealed Word of God has always been his steadfast guide. His personal love for Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour is evident to all.

The goal of the ACL is to ensure, as far as possible, that the evangelical character of the Sydney diocese does not wane or fade over time. Archbishop Jensen has been a marvellous partner and formidable ally in this cause.

It is with a very deep sense of thanksgiving to God that the ACL takes this opportunity to express our appreciation for, and our debt of gratitude to, Archbishop Jensen as he approaches his retirement.


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