Victorian School defies Premier Andrews and refuses controversial ‘Safe Schools’

christianreview | 입력 : 2016/03/08 [05:13]
The Australian Christian Lobby welcomes the decision of the Kyabram College, in Victoria, not to sign up to the controversial ‘Safe Schools’ program.
Last week the College Council decided not to align themselves to the Safe Schools Program and shared the decision with parents on the front page of yesterday’s Kyabram College Channels magazine.
According to the school magazine, the Council accepted the following motion:
“Our College promotes acceptance to all categories of people regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion, or age. The College Council believes they do not need to align themselves to the Safe Schools Coalition to do this.”
ACL Victorian Director Dan Flynn said the Council’s decision not to participate in Safe Schools follows concerns expressed by parents, grandparents and the community about the age-inappropriate sexualised nature of the program.
“These concerns are not unfounded.
“The Safe Schools program, mandatory in all Victorian High Schools by 2018, tells children they must have access to the Minus 18 website which instructs girls in chest binding so their breasts are flattened and penis tucking for boys.
“When parents and school communities find out about the truth of the program, they don’t want their children being exposed to contested gender theory - regardless of the Andrews Government’s drive for mandatory implementation.
“Respect for all students can be encouraged without allowing boys who identify as girls to use the girls toilets at school. All children deserve to feel safe at school and parents have a right to expect this.
“We encourage other Australian parents to investigate the content and raise concerns with their school councils.”
Mr Flynn said there were already anti-bullying programs in place that address all kinds of bullying.
“The Victorian Education Department’s Bully Stoppers program already addresses bullying, including bullying based on sexual orientation,” Mr Flynn said.
“Safe Schools should be withdrawn from Victorian schools.
Earlier this week it was reported in The Australian that the National Catholic Education Commission has told Catholic education leaders that: “The Safe Schools Coalition material and programs have been examined by Catholic education authorities and are not considered appropriate for use in Catholic schools.”
Mr Flynn said no Victorian school community should be forced to accept the Safe Schools program.


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